Friday, September 4, 2020

Hero And AntiHero In Casablanca Essay Research free essay sample

Legend And Anti-Hero In Casablanca Essay, Research Paper The Hero and Anti-Hero in Casablanca Casablanca is an extremely well known great where the crowd is illuminated with a vivid mix of characters. The two remarkable characters in the film, Rick Blane and Victor Lazlo, have an alone capacity since they depict the wannabe and legend. These two character characteristics are basic since they separate the two boss characters in the film. In any case, despite the fact that the screw-up, Rick Blane, and legend, Victor Lazlo, have extremely unique character, at the similar degree the main contrast is that the screw-up is driven by energy and the saint is driven by ground. This extraordinary contrast is clear in their political convictions, their associations with Ilsa, and in the chief # 8217 ; s representation of their inside sentiments. Rick Blane and Victor Lazlo are people with extremely solid political convictions. Despite the fact that the two characters exhibit that they have an association in political relations, they have diverse drive powers inside them that passing on forward their inclusions. We will compose a custom article test on Legend And AntiHero In Casablanca Essay Research or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In Rick # 8217 ; s occasion, he displays an association in political relations that is revolved around his affections for the grown-up female he cherishes. For representation, when Rick was along with Ilsa in Paris he was extremely eager with his political convictions. He was envisioning restriction and opportunity for the Gallic individuals. After lamentably losing the adoration for his life, Rick stopped to demo any political commitment or any solid political convictions and started to stress just over his ain prosperity. On the different manus, Victor Lazlo is the sort of character that is engaged with political relations for the love of political relations. He is non reliant on the affection for a grown-up female to invigorate him the he should have been effectively associated with politically partitioned condition of affairss. A delineation of his adoration for political relations was when Victor started singing the # 8220 ; Marseilles # 8221 ; in the nine to overmaster the Nazi song of devotion. The general inclination given by the director, using impossible to miss array, hair way and assemble, sends the message to the crowd that Victor is a politically arranged individual and Rick is a person that would most likely be associated with political relations to amuse others. Another aspect of Rick and Victor that shows their wannabe and legend highlights is their relationship with Ilsa. Each has an alternate kind of adoration for Ilsa. In Rick # 8217 ; s example, he adores Ilsa enthusiastically and treats her like an equivalent. They on Ces were truly close and thought about one another. Their adoration is extremely obvious in all the scenes that were focusing on their relationship. One representation was the point at which they were in Paris together at the eating house. In Victor’s case, he adores Ilsa with an aware nature. His affection for her is non truly personal however takes after the adoration that would be between two dear companions. Victor needs Ilsa more for her guide towards his political causes. This is clear on the grounds that all through the full film the crowd neer truly observes a comrade or love filled scene among Victor and Ilsa. Additionally, we should non ignore Ilsa’s affections for Rick and Victor. Ilsa rewarded Rick like an equivalent love with whom she could partition her emotions. She saw Victor progressively like a graven picture to turn upward to and think about. The crowd other than gets a feeling of Rick and Victor # 8217 ; s screw-up and legend highlights by the chief # 8217 ; s representation of their inside lives. We are transparently welcomed into Rick # 8217 ; s inside life, while we discover tiny about Victor # 8217 ; s. There are a few scenes in Casablanca where the crowd sees Rick soaking up in obscurity. During these scenes Rick communicates a bunch of his sentiments emblematically, or verbally when Sam is about. With Victor it is about the antonym on the grounds that the crowd neer sees Victor altogether or demonstrating any of his inside sentiments. Truth be told, we discover tiny about what he truly feels inside however are made acceptable insightful of his political sentiments. At the end of the day, the director depicts Victor as a shallow character with extraordinary political thought process. Besides, we can isolate the chief # 8217 ; s likeness of their inside sentiments when each character is connecting with Ilsa. At the p oint when Rick is interfacing with Ilsa the crowd is presented to a group of natural structure semantic correspondence, sensational duologue, and sentimental or deplorable music out of sight. At the point when Victor is associating with Ilsa we regularly witness an intelligent discussion with little or no feeling radiating from Victor. Subsequent to examining the chief # 8217 ; s picture of political positions, connections, and inside sentiments of Rick and Victor we can pull the choice that Rick Blane, the wannabe, was driven by energy and Victor Lazlo, the saint, was driven by ground. This was one of the cardinal factors that added to the overwhelming accomplishment of this film. It was the on-going adventure of looking to nail that truly distinction between the two work powers that made watching Casablanca an intriguing encounter.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Selbstüberschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pädagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches :: German Essays

Selbstã ¼berschreitung: Jonas Cohns Wertphilosophie und Pã ¤dagogik vor dem Hintergrund der Ethik Friedrich Nietzsches Dynamic: Teaching theory and instructional method at the University of Freiburg from 1897 to 1933, Jonas Cohn battled essentially against Friedrich Nietzsche and the impact of the morals of Nietzsche on the young people of his time. An affirmation made by Cohn in the Preface of his Science of Value (1932) shows this: The title 'study of significant worth' signifies polemics, as well: I battle against all, who following Nietzsche preclude the chance from securing a study of significant worth. But this restriction to Nietzsche and to his adherents isn't the main part of Cohn's connection to Nietzsche. On the opposite side, Cohn endeavored to incorporate a portion of the significant characteristics of Nietzsche's ethic in his own origination of theory and pedagogics. The articulation self-greatness (Selbstã ¼berschreitung) represents this aspiration of Cohn. This can be shown by some personal information and by the translation of Cohn's way of thinking of significant worth. 'Wertwissenschaft' ist auch polemisch gemeint: Ich kã ¤mpfe gegen alle, bite the dust im Gefolge Nietzsches eine Wissenschaft vom Werte leugnen. - Diese eindeutige Erklã ¤rung stellte der reife Jonas Cohn, Philosoph und Erziehungswissenschaftler a der Universitã ¤t Freiburg von 1897 bis 1933, seiner Wertwissenschaft von 1932, seinem Hauptwerke, im Vorwort voran. Cap Jonas Cohn seine Lebensarbeit gegen Friedrich Nietzsche und dessen Wirkung ausgerichtet? Ich mã ¶chte diese, von Cohn selbst nahegelegte, Auffassung relativieren und aufweisen, daãÿ Cohns Wertphilosophie und Erziehungslehre trotz weitreichender Differenzen Zã ¼ge Nietzschischen Geistes aufgenommen cap. Der Titel und Grundbegriff der Cohnschen Ethik Selbstã ¼berschreitung signalisiert nicht nur Parallelitã ¤t und Nã ¤he zu Nietzsche; Selbstã ¼berschreitung zeigt auch a, daãÿ Cohn Intentionen Nietzsches, Momente des fã ¼r Nietzsche signifikanten Begriffs der Selbstã ¼berwindung in seine objektive Wertlehre à ¼bergefã ¼hrt cap. Ich werde zunã ¤chst anhand einiger biographischer Daten pass on Bedeutung Nietzsches fã ¼r Cohn wahrscheinlich machen, bevor der Inhalt der Wertphilosophie und Ethik Cohns selbst kurz zur Sprache kommen soll. Drei Momente sind auszufã ¼hren, bite the dust Cohn in seiner Biographie mit Nietzsche konfrontierten: Zeitliche und à ¶rtliche Nã ¤he zu Nietzsche und pass on persã ¶nliche Begegnung mit Denkern, kick the bucket Cohn beeinfluãÿten. Jonas Cohn (1869-1947) studierte nach einem glã ¤nzenden Abitur in Berlin (1888) zunã ¤chst in Leipzig, Heidelberg und Berlin Naturwissenschaft und promovierte mit einer experimentellen Arbeit in Botanik in Berlin 1892 zum Doktor der Philosophie. Nach der Promotion in Botanik wandte sich Cohn dem engeren Gebieten der Philosophie zu, ohne dabei zu unterlassen, seinem geistigen Leben durch empirische Einzelarbeit gleichsam einen festen Unterbau zu schaffen. (SD, (1) S. 6) Diesen empirischen Unterbau erwarb sich Cohn in der experimentellen Psychologie bei Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920) und Oswald Kã ¼lpe (1862-1915) in Leipzig, wo Cohn in cave Jahren 1892 bis 94 am Psychologischen Institut arbeitete.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

We Have the Right to Use Cell Phones While Driving :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

We Have the Right to Use Cell Phones While Driving Envision driving in a vehicle and not having the option to alter your radio, lower your window, or even converse with your traveler. This may sound somewhat extraordinary, yet gradually an individual's privileges are being encroached upon by the individuals who imagine that utilizing a PDA while driving ought to be unlawful. Utilizing a mobile phone while driving is the same than a mother watching out for her youngsters in the secondary lounge, an individual eating in a vehicle, or even somebody engaged in discussion with their traveler. Will these rights be removed, would common be able to detect be administered? Mobile phones originally opened up in the year 1984 and have just developed in prominence since (Stutts et al.). Today there are more than one hundred and twenty-8,000,000 clients (Pickler). As of late, phones have been at the center of attention for making drivers be diverted, bringing about various accidents. New York has become the main state to boycott the utilization of hand-held telephones when driving on open thruways. This new law became effective on December 1, 2002. Drivers may just utilize a hand held telephone in a crisis, to call for help or to report a risky circumstance. However, drivers are permitted to utilize hands free gadgets, for example, speaker telephones (New. . .). Right now, there are thirty-eight different states with charges like this one all the while (Breslau and Naughton 46). Many are vexed about these laws since information on the real number of phone related fender benders isn't finished. As indicated by a representative for Cellular Telecommunication s and Internet Association, There are not a great deal of significant discoveries (Pickler). It's too soon to tell if New York's new law is bringing down the quantity of passings brought about by mobile phones (Alonso-Zalvidar). Despite the fact that around 2,600 individuals kick the bucket every year from mobile phone related mishaps, a PDA client just has around thirteen possibilities in a million of passing on in a PDA related car crash. This is multiple times not exactly the odds of being killed by not wearing a safety belt. Different drivers and people on foot have a four of every one million possibility of being killed by a driver utilizing a mobile phone; the possibility of getting killed by an alcoholic driver is multiple times as high (Pickler). In all actuality, each and every human life is significant, however these figures show that mobile phones present just an extremely little hazard.

Compare and contrast the marketing strategies of two major brands, Essay

Look into the advertising methodologies of two significant brands, Apple and Samsung - Essay Example ke Apple to constantly think of items, for example, iPhone, iPad, Macbook and so forth, that are famous among shopper portions (Ferral and Hartline 2012, 1). The vulnerability of the outside condition gives more prominent inspiration to an organization, especially ones working in the cutting edge electronic industry, to consistently enhance and grow top notch items. Improvement of advertising system empowers assessment of a company’s qualities and thusly permits an association to benefit from its qualities in this way giving an upper hand. Apple and Samsung, both for all intents and purposes working a similar industry, utilize their advertising technique to endure the opposition in the companies’ large scale condition. Accessibility of assets is a significant part of advertising procedure for associations working in the hardware business (Viardot 2004, 196). The quick paced condition in the computerized world requires the nearness of abundant measures of assets so as to keep the innovation refreshed. For Apple, persistent advancement in innovation and the need to create famous shopper items requires a lot of both, human asset just as capital for innovative work (R&D). Such accessibility is crucial to a brand’s picture, especially ones that bargain in cutting edge merchandise and enterprises. Same is the situation with Samsung where viable showcasing procedure has permitted it to move its notoriety to an exceptional hardware brand that has developed its piece of the overall industry immensely. All parts of promoting system including evaluating, circulation, and so forth, assume a focal job in the conveyance of shopper fulfillment with the item (Chang 2011). Showcasing technique inside and out acts to furnish customers with an unrivaled client experience. Today’s gadgets industry is progressively unique and the improvement of powerful systems and showcasing plans are significant for the achievement of associations that work in the growingly serious condition. Talking about Apple

Friday, August 21, 2020

Conversion Factor Definition and Examples

Transformation Factor Definition and Examples A transformation factor is the number or recipe you have to change over an estimation in one lot of units to a similar estimation in another arrangement of units. The number is generally given as a numerical proportion or part that can be utilized as an augmentation factor. For instance, say you have a length that is estimated in feet and you wish to investigate it in meters. In the event that you realize that there are 3.048 feet in a meter, at that point you can utilize that as a change factor to figure out what a similar separation is in meters.â One foot is 12 inches in length, and the transformation factor of 1 foot to inches is 12. In yards, 1 foot is equivalent to 1/3 yard (change factor of 1 foot to yards is 1/3) so forward. A similar length is 0.3048 meters, and it is likewise 30.48 centimeters. To change over 10 feet to inches, increase multiple times 12 (the transformation factor) 120 inchesTo convert 10 feet to yards, duplicate 10 x 1/3 3.3333 yards (or 3 1/3 yards)To convert 10 feet to meters, increase 10 x .3048 3.048 metersTo convert 10 feet to centimeters, increase 10 x 30.48 304.8 centimeters Instances of Conversion Factors There a wide range of sorts of estimations that occasionally require changes: length (direct), zone (two dimensional) and volume (three dimensional) are the most well-known, yet you can likewise utilize transformation variables to change over mass, speed, thickness, and power. Transformation factors are utilized for changes inside the magnificent framework (feet, pounds, gallons), inside the International System of Units (SI, and the advanced type of the decimal standard for measuring: meters, kilograms, liters) or over the two.â Keep in mind, the two qualities must speak to a similar amount as one another. For instance, its conceivable to change over between two units of mass (e.g., grams to pounds), however you by and large cannot change over between units of mass and volume (e.g., grams to gallons). Instances of transformation factors include: 1 gallon 3.78541 liters (volume)â 1 pound 16 ounces (mass)â 1 kilogram 1,000 grams (mass)â 1 pound 453.592 grams (mass)1 minute 60000 milliseconds (time)â 1 square mile 2.58999 square kilometers (area)â Utilizing a Conversion Factor For instance, to change a period estimation from hours to days, utilize a transformation factor of 1 day 24 hours. time in days time in hours x (1 day/24 hours) The (1 day/24 hours) is the change factor. Note that following the equivalent sign, the units for a considerable length of time counterbalance, leaving just the unit for quite a long time.

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

CPW is for Parents tooreally!!

CPW is for Parents too…really!! For our newly admitted students, the time is rapidly approaching when we will welcome them to campus for the first time as members of the Class of 2015. Were getting ready to welcome lots of their parents too and this message is basically for those hardy souls who have spent the last many months helping their children survive the process of applying to college. But now the payoff has come, and it is time to make the tough decisions and the best way to do that, we think, is to take part in that annual tradition known as Campus Preview Weekend (CPW). Each one of us in the Admissions Office has a particular group of programs that we are involved with and mine is parent programs so Im probably the most logical choice to talk about what the weekend has in store for you if youll be able to accompany your student next weekend. But before I do that here are some thoughts on making this a worthwhile and even enjoyable weekend. The first question I often hear from parents is, what events should I attend with my child? In truth, there wont be very many of them if you are each doing what interests you the most. With about 700 options over the few days, there are lots of things to choose from and parents will probably not want answers to the same questions that students will. That said, its important to check in occasionally so Id suggest you pick an event where you can meet up with your student each day (perhaps the Presidents Welcome on Friday and the Closing Variety Show on Saturday) but mostly I hope you will encourage them “do their own thing” and know that its good for you to do the same. It’s the best way for them to figure out if they are comfortable and at home on our campus and the best way for you to be comfortable with them being here. I hope you’ll ask lots of questions. It’s the way our students learn and will work well for you too. Current students are great resources so don’t be afraid to ask them about their experiences. In addition weve enlisted the help of a great group of current students parents called Parent Connectors. Theyll be available throughout the weekend to address those issues that are most important to you, the parent, so dont be afraid to ask for their opinionsthey know exactly how you feel since they were asking those same questions just a year or so ago. A great place to find a parent to talk to would be in the Parent’s Hospitality Lounge. Grab a cup of coffee or tea and chat with current MIT parents as well as other parents of MIT prefrosh. Also, learn about the MIT Parents Association and the Parent Connector Network from current volunteers and staff. I hope you’ll be open-minded during your visit with us. I live with current students and their life at MIT is somewhat different than mine was when I was here. Im sure youll feel the same way too, its inevitable, but its just not the way we remember it. Bring comfortable shoes and a jacket or sweater. We had a bit of snow today and rain is always possible in the spring so you should be prepared for anything. Boston is a great walking city and I hope youll take some time to see the environs around MIT as well the campus itself and the best way to do that is on foot. Even just a short walk along the river can be a nice break from all the events of the day. Have questions regarding your students financial aid package or the financial aid process in general? This year there will be an open house Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Student Financial Services so you can stop in and get your questions answered. On Thursday and Friday there will be comprehensive presentations by Executive Director of Student Financial Services, Elizabeth Hicks. Parents and students are welcome to attend either of these programs on the hows, whys and whens of financial aid at MIT how your financial aid award was determined, when your supplemental forms are due, how to pay your balance, how to find on-campus student employment, and how your online student account will work and much more. But that is just the beginning Events Parent Welcome on Thursday night at 7:30 pm. Stu Schmill, Dean of Admissions, Chancellor Eric Grimson and Professor Alex Slocum will welcome the Class of 2015 parents to Campus Preview Weekend. Parent Reception with Parent Connectors and Alumni on Friday night at 5:00 pm. Sponsored by the MIT Parents Association and the MIT Club of Boston, this reception is your chance to meet and mingle with Parent Connectors, Educational Counselors and other MIT Alumni. The presenter will be Danielle Whited 11 who will talk about some of the programs shes been a part of while at MIT. Insight for Parents by Parents is Saturday morning at 8:30 am. A panel of current MIT parents will be on hand to share their insights and answer your questions. Sponsored by the MIT Parents Association. There will be coffee provided, so please come and join us. Parent Connector Saturday Night Drop-In After the closing variety show join us “Under the Great Dome for an informal gathering hosted by the Chair of the MIT Parent Connectors at the Barker Engineering Library. Its one of my favorite rooms on the campus. Panels Sessions Residential Life at MIT Our on-campus residential community boasts residence halls, fraternities, sororities and independent living groups as well as a wide variety of dining services. There will be a discussion covering life in residences, residential support offerings, activities, dining options, roommate matching and more. Come learn about all aspects of Undergraduate Research Opportunities (UROP) at MIT, including how to participate, what type of research is appropriate, what to expect from the program, and more. Discussion will center on the experiences of the UROP student panel as moderated by UROP staff. There are other panels on Campus Safety and various aspects of Student Life and Learning certainly all great options for getting those important questions answered. Open Houses Multiple open houses will be held over the weekend. These include areas relating to Medical Services, Careers Development, Hillel, Global Education (study abroad and more), Pre-Professional Advising (Pre-Med and more), departments, and housing. I’ve named just a handful of the events created with you in mind for CPW and it really is just the tip of the icebergto get a head start on your plans check out our improved CPW search feature complete with mapping function: And if all that wasnt enough, on Sunday as CPW winds down is the MIT150 Convocation: Its been a pretty exciting year at MIT as we have been celebrating the 150 anniversary of MITs chartering and you get to be a part of this historic milestone as well. See you soon!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ethics and Solution - Free Essay Example

In 10 ethical issues raised by IT capabilities, we examined ethical issues raised by IT capabilities, issues that all of us as technology professionals need to consider as we go about our duties. This time, we take a look at ethical issues more specific to managementand not necessarily just IT management. Once again, one of our themes is that advances in technology, just like advances in any other area of endeavor, can generate societal changes that should cause us to reexamine our behavior. The dynamic nature of civilization means some components of ethical codes that were perfectly appropriate in previous generations may no longer apply. Although space limits us to 10 issues, the ones we examine here are based on five main categories of particular interest to technologists: privacy, ownership, control, accuracy, and security. As in the previous article there are more questions than answers. Governments collect massive amounts of data on individuals and organizations and use it f or a variety of purposes: national security, accurate tax collection, demographics, international geopolitical strategic analysis, etc. Corporations do the same for commercial reasons; to increase business, control expense, enhance profitability, gain market share, etc. Technological advances in both hardware and software have significantly changed the scope of what can be amassed and processed. Massive quantities of data, measured in petabytes and beyond, can be centrally stored and retrieved effortlessly and quickly. Seemingly disparate sources of data can be cross-referenced to glean new meanings when one set of data is viewed within the context of another. In the 1930s and 1940s the volumes of data available were miniscule by comparison and the processing of that data was entirely manual. Had even a small portion of todays capabilities existed, the world as we now know it would probably be quite different. Should organizations ability to collect and process data on exponen tially increasing scales be limited in any way? Does the fact that information can be architected for a particular purpose mean it should be, even if by so doing individual privacy rights are potentially violated? If data meant for one use is diverted to another process which is socially redeeming and would result in a greater good or could result in a financial gain, does that mitigate the ethical dilemma, no matter how innocent and pure the motivation? This is an issue with both internal and external implications. All organizations collect personal data on employees, data that if not properly safeguarded can result in significant negative implications for individuals. Information such as compensation and background data and personal identification information, such as social security number and account identifiers, all have to be maintained and accessed by authorized personnel. Systems that track this data can be secured, but at some point data must leave those systems and b e used. Operational policies and procedures can address the proper handling of that data but if theyre not followed or enforced, theres hardly any point in having them. Organizations routinely share data with each other, merging databases containing all kinds of identifiers. Whats the extent of the responsibility we should expect from the stewards of this data? Since theres no perfect solution, wheres the tipping point beyond which efforts to ensure data can be accessed only by those who are authorized to do so can be considered reasonable and appropriate? Many people are required to sign NDAs (nondisclosure agreements) and noncompete clauses in employment contracts, legal documents that restrict their ability to share information with other future employers even to the point of disallowing them to join certain companies or continue to participate in a particular industry. What about the rest of us, who have no such legal restrictions? In the course of our work for employer A, we are privy to trade secrets, internal documents, proprietary processes and technology, and other information creating competitive advantage. We cant do a brain dump when we leave to go to work for employer B; we carry that information with us. Is it ethical to use our special knowledge gained at one employer to the benefit of another? How do you realistically restrict yourself from doing so? Information, knowledge, and skills we develop in the course of working on projects can be inextricably intertwined. Youre the project manager for an effort to reengineer your companys marketing operations system. You have access to confidential internal memoranda on key organization strategic and procedural information. To build the new system, you and your team have to go for some advanced technical training on the new technology products youll be using. The new system you build is completely revolutionary in design and execution. Although there are areas of patent law that cover many suc h situations, theres not much in the way of case law testing this just yet, and of course laws vary between countries. Clearly, youve built an asset owned by your company, but do you have a legitimate claim to any part of it? Can you take any part of this knowledge or even the design or code itself with you to another employer or for the purpose of starting your own company? Suppose you do strike out on your own and sell your system to other companies. Is the ethical dilemma mitigated by the fact that your original company isnt in the software business? Or that youve sold your product only to noncompeting companies? What if we were talking about a database instead of a system? Organizations have the right to monitor what employees do (management is measurement) and how technology systems are used. Its common practice to notify employees that when they use organizational assets such as networks or Internet access, they should have no expectation of privacy. Even without that di sclaimer, they really dont need the warning to know this monitoring is, or could be, taking place. Do organizations have an obligation to notify employees as to the extent of that monitoring? Should an organization make it clear that in addition to monitoring how long employees are using the Internet, its also watching which Web sites they visit? If the organization merely says theres no expectation of privacy when using the e-mail system, is it an ethical violation when employees later find out it was actually reading their e-mails? Many organizations have started adding a credit and background check to the standard reference check during the hiring process. Are those organizations obligated to tell us theyre doing this and what results theyve received? The justification for doing the credit check typically is that a person who cant manage his or her own finances probably cant be trusted with any fiduciary responsibility on behalf of the organization. Does this pass the smell test or is this actually an infringement of privacy? Performing these checks is a relatively recent phenomenon, brought on in part by the desire of organizations to protect themselves in the wake of the numerous corporate scandals of the past few years but also because technology has enabled this data to be gathered, processed, and accessed quickly and inexpensively. Is technology responsible for enabling unethical behavior? Business has always had a love/hate relationship with accuracy. Effective decision making is driven by accurate information, but quality control comes with a cost both in terms of dollars and productivity. (If youre checking, you cant also be doing. ) In a bygone era, there was less data to work with, and the only quality assurance that needed to be performed was on data†¦operations and procedures were manual, so it was the output of those functions that was most critical. Technology has enabled vastly more complicated and interconnected processes, s uch that a problem far upstream in a process has a ripple effect on the rest of the process. Sarbanes Oxley requires the certification of all internal controls in large part for this reason. Unfortunately, accuracy is one of those areas that always seems to be assigned to the dreaded someone, which all too often translates to no one. On what basis should the level of accuracy in any given system be determined? How much accuracy is sufficient? How should responsibility for accuracy be assigned? Most assembly lines have a cord or chain that can be pulled when a worker notices a particular unit has a flaw. The line is brought to a halt and the unit can either be removed or repaired. The effect of the error can be contained. As complex interactions between systems and ever larger databases have been created, the downstream consequence of error has become vastly more magnified. So too has the growing dependence on highly distributed systems increased the potential for, and the cost of , error. Do managers have a correspondingly greater responsibility to assess negative outcomes and the mitigations of costs and effects of errors? Can management or system owners be held accountable if unforeseen errors occur? Is this also the case for predictable but unmitigated error? As we mentioned in the previous article on ethics, security used to be confined to locking the door on the way out of the office or making sure the lock on the safe was spun to fully engage the tumblers. Technology presents us with a whole new set of security challenges. Networks can be breached, personal identification information can be compromised, identities can be stolen and potentially result in personal financial ruin, critical confidential corporate information or classified government secrets can be stolen from online systems, Web sites can be hacked, keystroke loggers can be surreptitiously installed, and a host of others. (Its interesting to note at this point that statistics still s how that more than 80 percent of stolen data is the result of low tech â€Å"dumpster diving,† and approximately the same percentage of oranizational crime is the result of an inside job. How far canand shouldmanagement go in determining the security risks inherent in systems? What level of addressing those risks can be considered reasonable? Can system owners be held personally liable when security is compromised? When an organization holds stewardship of data on external entitiescustomers, individuals, other organizationsand that data is compromised, to what extent is the victimized corporation liable to the secondary victims, those whose data was stolen? Organizations generally have internal policies for dealing with security breaches, but not many yet have specific policies to address this area. Managers who do not secure the systems for which theyre responsible, employees who cavalierly use information to which they should not have access, and system users who find sh ortcuts around established security procedures are dealt with in the same fashion as anyone who doesnt meet the fundamental job requirements, anything from transfer or demotion to termination. Should compromised or ineffective security be held to a higher standard?

Saturday, May 23, 2020

The s Theory Of Entrepreneurship - 910 Words

As one looks at the history of entrepreneurship, they will notice the variety of definitions and entrepreneurial elements that economists use to explain the topic. Although there are many vital parts of this concept, Israel Kirzner developed his own view that many economists take into account when creating their own definition. Basically, Kirzner’s theory of entrepreneurship held the idea of alertness as its backbone. Without the use of alertness, entrepreneurs would never discover opportunities, which allows their competitors to easily surpass them. However, if the entrepreneur is alert, then they will notice an opportunity where innovation is needed and in return they will usually profit. When others analyzed Kirzner’s theory, they criticized the amount of value that Kirzner put on alertness because they believed he lost sight of the creativity and the imagination aspect of entrepreneurship. After Kirzner developed his theory, years later an economist by the name of F rederic Sautet decided to elaborate more on Kirzner’s concept. Basically, Sautet portrayed alertness as the central piece to his and Kirzner’s view of an entrepreneur; however, he went into more depth in order to help silence Kirzner’s critics. Sautet explains, â€Å"It simply means that before one unleashes one’s own creativity, imagination, and judgment, one has to come to recognize one’s own creativity, imagination, and judgment†(95). Sautet explains that Kirzner did not disregard creativity and imaginationShow MoreRelatedResource Based View of Social Entrepreneurship: Puting the Pieces Together813 Words   |  3 Pages INTRODUCTION The emerging field of social entrepreneurship calls for a need for new integrated theories to contribute to the discipline and help grow the field. Social Entrepreneurship has been a topic of academic interest for the past few decades; however there has been little scholarly output in mainstream journals (Short, Moss, Lumpkin 2009). Social entrepreneurship is commonly defined as â€Å"entrepreneurial activity with an embedded social purpose† (AustinRead MoreEntrepreneurship As An Entrepreneur, Real World Experience Essay1568 Words   |  7 PagesEntrepreneurship is a topic that is heavily debated in regards to if it can be taught or not. The word Entrepreneurship originates from a French word that means to undertake. In the business sense, it is defined in the Merriam-Webster dictionary as one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. Since entrepreneurship is an appealing career path, people want to know if they can be taught it or if it i s something they have intrinsically. The objective of this essayRead MoreBusiness Relationships Within A Business Network Context1231 Words   |  5 Pages1. Acs, Z.J., Morck, R.K. and Yeung, B. (2001), â€Å"Entrepreneurship, globalisation, and public policy†, Journal of International Management, 7, pp. 235-51. 2. Alvarez, S.A. Busenitz L.W., (2001) The entrepreneurship of resource-based theory. Journal of Management, 27(6), p. 755-775 3. Anderson, J., Hakansson, H. and Johanson, J. (1994). Dyadic Business Relationships within a Business Network Context. Journal of Marketing, 58(4), p.1. 4. Andersson, S. Ingemar W. (2003) Innovative InternationalisationRead MoreEnterprise : An Entrepreneur Who Demonstrates Passion, Commitment, Technical Skills And Dedication Essay1436 Words   |  6 Pagesorganise a business to turn into profitability in a competitive market. It is the journey towards the innovation and to explore the opportunities to create and run a successful business to withstand in a competitive market. ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Entrepreneurship is a state of mind whereas innovation is the prerequisite of it. 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Were born with that quality and it defines our lives as we respond to what we see, hear, feel, and experience. It is developed, nurtured, and given space to flourish or is squelched, thwarted, without air or stimulation, and dies. Michael Gerber The term entrepreneur has been around since the seventeenth-century, it originates from France, where the phrase â€Å"entreprendre† wasRead MoreOverview Of Schumpeter Denoted Entrepreneur As An Essential Element For The Economic Growth And Entrepreneurial Process1339 Words   |  6 Pagesentrepreneur as a key in the economic growth and entrepreneurial process as a prime element in the progress and advancement of economy. Again he stated that entrepreneurship is an essential element for the development of any economy and economic and political framework condition would not affect the growth. The benefits due to entrepreneurship to community will be greater in those economies where entrepreneurs have flexibility to operate, to expand their ideas, and to obliterate the rewards. To attractRead MoreFactors Influencing Entrepreneurial Intention Among Public And Private Universities854 Words   |  4 PagesMalaysia. 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Entrepreneurial Intention Investigating factors that influence entrepreneurial intention, several theories had being applied by different scholars for example, studying role or influence of education on intention of entrepreneurs, the two most prominent theories are Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Sahpero and Sokol’s theory of entrepreneurial model. Intention as described by Davison (1995) is the urge to do or to act in response to something. While Krueger

Monday, May 18, 2020

Mexico City Is The Capital Of Mexico Essay - 1158 Words

Mexico †¢ Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. †¢ Total population of Mexico is 129,034,512 †¢ Catholic Christianity is the religion of people of Mexico †¢ There are two main seasons in Mexico i.e. Rainy during May-October and dry during the rest of the year. †¢ Mexico is a country in the Americas. It is located in the southern part of north America. B) Capital: Mexico City The Capital of Mexico of Mexico City. It became independent on 24th February, 1821. It is the largest city of Western Hemisphere. It is Mexico’s economic and cultural hub. Mexico City is well known for home of offices of federal government. There are a lot of well know museums such as Museo Casa Farida Kahlo and Museo Nacional de Historia. Artsy Cyoacan and The Elegant Polanco are good neighbors of Mexico City. Tazi drivers and Electric workers have very indestructible labor unions. There is an area in Mexico City Xochimilco which is locally known as (Little Venice) where you can enjoy boat rides through canals that features floating gardens. Mexico have a rich diversity in culture and history from the temple of Chichen Itza to the beaches of Cancun. People of city get together for baseball league in mid-July where teams from all around Mexico compete with each other. Every year around 35 festivals are celebrated in Mexico City. C) Historical Landmarks CHICHEN ITZA Chichen Itza is one of the most popular places for tourists to visit in Mexico. It is located in Yucatan Peninsula. Maya people built a big cityShow MoreRelatedThe History of Mexico Essay828 Words   |  4 PagesThe History of Mexico Before the Spanish Mexico was occupied by a large number of Indian groups with very different social and economic systems. In general the tribes in the north were relatively small groups of hunters and gatherers who roamed large areas of sparsely vegetated deserts and dry lands. These people are often called the Chichimecs, though they were aRead MoreEssay on mexico1259 Words   |  6 Pages The History of Mexico. When people think of Mexico they think Spanish, but that is wasn’t always the way it was. For thousands of years the Spanish hadn’t even heard of the New World. Or what is now known as Mexico. Various Mesoamerican tribes ruled it. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;There is evidence of people living in the area over 15,000 years ago. These people were nomadic and roamed all around South America. Around 2500 BC these people began to grow crops and set up villages, instead of huntRead More Mexico Essay1609 Words   |  7 Pages Mexico is bordered by the United States on the north, the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea on the east, and Guatemala and Belize on the south. It is characterized by an extraordinary diversity in topography and climate and is crossed by two major mountain chains, the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental. The high central plateau between these two mountain ranges historically funneled most of the human population toward the center of this regionRead MoreMexico Is Located South Of The Unites States Of America1291 Words   |  6 PagesMexico is located South of the Unites States of America and North of Guatemala and Belize. It is part of the North America continent, and according to World Atlas it covers 1,943,945 kilometers of land and 20,430 square kilometers of water, making it the 14th largest nation in the world with a total area 1,964375 square kilometers. Mexico can be divided into several major regions which are the Gulf Coastal Plain, Baja California, the Southern Highlands, the Pacific Coastal Lowlands, the Mexican PlateauRead MoreDrug Cartel Violence And Mexico1616 Words   |  7 PagesWhat if I told you the drug cartel violence in Mexico is still one of the largest drug distributions in the world. The drug cartel violences taking place in Mexico have been going on for many years now and nobody has really tried to put a stop to it. Although Mexican drug cartels have existed for several decades, their influences have increased. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illegal drug market. Arrests of key cartel leaders have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fightRead MoreMexico Courts And Criminal Pr ocedures1353 Words   |  6 PagesTerm Paper Mexico Courts and Criminal Procedures Mexico is located South of the Unites States of America and North of Guatemala and Belize. It is part of the North America continent, and according to World Atlas it covers 1,943,945 kilometers of land and 20,430 square kilometers of water, making it the 14th largest nation in the world with a total area 1,964375 square kilometers. Mexico can be divided into several major regions which are the Gulf Coastal Plain, Baja California, the SouthernRead MorePopulation in Mexico City758 Words   |  4 Pagespopulation in Mexico City There are parts of the world that have an alarming overpopulation rate, one of these locations is Mexico city which is located in the Federal District, Capital of the Country of Mexico. Mexico Citys enormous population continues to rapidly increase every day. With approximately 20 million residents; up from 9 million only 20 years ago, Mexico City is considered the most populous urban center on earth. There are many people in the country of Mexico who move toRead MoreThe City Of The Aztec Empire953 Words   |  4 Pagesancient, urban centers many think of ancient capitals such as Rome, Athens, or Cairo. However, across the Atlantic Ocean in Central and South America, there were a number of growing urban centers being built by the Aztec, Mayan, and Incan civilizations. An example of a Central American urban center is Tenochtitlan. Tenochtitlan was the capital of the ancient Aztec capital which is located in present-day Mexico-City, Mexico. The development of this ancient city was dependent on three important factors:Read MoreThe Aztecs And The Aztec Empire1700 Words   |  7 Pagesone was like the Aztecs and their empire. Although they started off with a humble beginning, they quickly grew into a great civilization that dominated present day Central Mexico. They conquered and expanded into an empire stronger than the other neighboring empires. The heart of the Aztec empire, Tenochtitlan, was a grand capital filled with many people and astounding temples. The Aztecs were also ahead of their time with fully-functional government and irrigation systems. They continue to astoundRead More Hernan Cortes Essays707 Words   |  3 Pagesof Cuba. Cortes persuaded Velazquez to give him the command of an expedition to Mexico. And this is the beginning of Cortes’ legacy. Cortes set out to Mexico on February 19, 1519, with about 600 men and 20 horses; despite the fact that Velazquez revoked his permission for the expedition in fear Cortes would not recognize his authority once in position. One month later in March, Cortes and his entourage landed in Mexico conquering the town of Tabasco. Cortes learned of the Aztec Empire from the natives

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Analysis Of Creative And Innovative Management - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 3954 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? The good organizations become best by adopting innovation. It is more than an invention as it also includes an attitude that encourage new concepts and risk attach with that new concepts. Excessive investments are not needed if a company has awareness about innovation and can use it to create products with unique features. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis Of Creative And Innovative Management" essay for you Create order So they create a friendly behaviour for new concepts, ideas, risk, change and even failure (Fortune, March 3, 1997). Managerial innovations are those adjustments in the process of management that gives ideas of products and services and than help in their production and delivery to the customers. It is not essential that effectiveness and efficiencies of product or services get effects from innovations by management ( Product versus Process Innovations: Innovations in processes and products are very significant classifications of technical innovations. Product innovations either generate entirely new products with distinct features or may help in increasing the performance and physical features of old products and services. Process innovations are changes in the way products or services are manufactured, created, or distributed. Whereas managerial innovations generally affect the broader context of development, process innovations directly affect manu facturing (, the implementation of robotics. Thus product innovations are particularly important during these beginning phases. Later, as an innovation enters the phases of growth, maturity, and decline, Vodafones ability to develop process innovations, such as fine-tuning manufacturing, increasing product quality, and improving product distribution, becomes important to maintaining economic return ( Explain how management in your selected organization would lead staff to accept and implement innovation The Human Energy of Innovation Innovation is difficult. Its hard not to be constrained by organisational history, politics and budgets. Its even harder to think of innovation as a human energy and not a process ( Lead the Way to Successful Innovation in Vodafone The collaboration necessary, general cultural differences that can influence the process and the importance that organizational culture has on creating an environment that supports innovation, after these presentation keynotes, I often get a few people who approach me with their stories about innovation in their organizations. They tell me how great the information was and wished they could apply it into their own organizations, but they know that it would never be supported ( It seems that while individuals are given the necessary time in their jobs to generate ideas, they are not given the time that is really required to explore them through a proper process for innovation. This therefore makes it difficult, if not impossible, for true innovation to happen. Now I realize that those who asked me the question may not necessarily be in positions to change their organizations cultures but maybe they could start to create change within their own spheres of influence, such as a department, plant, location, store, etc. Sometimes Vodafone need to think on a smaller scale and then demonstrate to the organization the value of what they are doing, demonstrated success will help greatly to sell the idea. Implementing innovative cultures and processes into organizations they have found that executives often ask themselves, Why are not they better at innovation? There are lots of examples out there and lots of advice. But in reality innovation challenges differ from one organization to another. Just as each innovation is unique, so is Vodafones culture. The process of innovation that works in one place will not necessarily work in another. They must consider the culture ( Vodafone India further demonstrates their commitment to innovation when they build innovation into performance management. They measure managements performance on the basis of their ability to create new value-added products, services and ideas. As well, they assess t he extent to which managers undertake this jointly with staff, rather than independent of their staff, because this demonstrates a clearer understanding of the use of an innovation process versus simply the result of management directive. Vodafone managers can demonstrate this in their regular department meetings by focussing on the exploration of new ideas. They can train employees in the innovation process. They can allow time for employees to explore their ideas. They apply an aggressive effort to build new opportunities based on the development of new services and products ( Evaluate the influence of the organizations vision and mission on supporting innovation. In todays fast moving economic situation, mostly category breaking business environments meet their mission, vision and objectives. Only such companies meet their estimate growth, gain profit, out run their competitors and show excellence in execution. They achieve by the culture of innovation. In every industry, the leading companies are the innovators. However the cadre of innovators keeps changing ( Companies may seize upon a good idea that gives them an advantage for a while, but sooner or later, they cede this advantage to a competitor who has found an even better idea. As Nicholas Stein (2000) correctly mentioned, Innovation is at the heart of sustaining Vodafones competitive advantage. This holds very true as long as they wants to stay on top of their competitors and win the innovation game. Innovation is very important criterion for success in the future, (Horibe, Frances Dale Emy, 2001) an important study done on the rate of return of 17 successful in novations shows a mean return of 56% in comparison with an average Return on Investment (ROl) of 16%. It is clear that organizations need to innovate to survive and achieve good profit figures. What to innovate? Now we understood the importance of the role that innovation plays in Vodafone. The next important question now arise is where and which things to apply innovative ideas in Vodafone India. Suggestion and recommendation for where to apply innovations are as follows ( Innovation can be applied to products, services, design, invention, development, process, and systems. To make a product or service compete with the new economy. This is essentially to educate organizations to move out of their traditional old habits1 to the new innovation culture. To avoid high risks: Avoiding high risks involving money, staying ahead of competition and high pay off opportunities are the essence of the innovation To gain long term market focus, as a result the Vodafone can save money. Use appropriate tools and techniques to identify at least two potential creative and innovative ideas Creative and Innovative Culture, Change Management: Three Easy Tests Creativity can be defined as problem identification and idea generation and innovation can be defined as idea selection, development and commercialisation. From this simple definition, it is clear that certain cultural characteristics ought to be prevalent if creativity and innovation are to be maximised. And maximisation of these ought to be a priority for senior leaders, as those organisations that take them seriously, tend to be leaders in their field, tend to maintain their leadership position longer and are quicker to bounce back when competitors leap frog ( There are many blocks that prevent expression of problems and hinder idea generation. Some solutions include ( An environment of psychological safety and freedom accepting an individual as unconditioned worth; recognising that the individual is capable of producing but that their value is not based on producing; understanding empathetically; understanding the ind ividual from their point of feeling and view (Vernon, 1970). Tolerance of failure Accepting that many ideas will fail before one worthwhile one will surface and reach commercialisation; recognising that there are benefits to failure, such as competency expansion Blade Runner was initially a commercial failure yet Ridley Scott went on to make some very successful movies. Though senior leaders pay lip service to the above, the reality is often much different. Below are some easy and simple tests to gauge how well Vodafone is performing in practice. Employee interviews. Are interviewees expected to conform to the prevalent norm of not contradicting the interviewer? If they do so, are they less likely to be selected? Interviewees who throw up many ideas and challenge existing methodologies at this stage are more likely to be expressive when they find problems in Vodafone and more likely to bring them to the attention of decision makers. They are also more likely to persuade o thers to do the same. Thought leaders are good drivers of change and prevent complacency though as a result it is not unusual to find that they cause friction with senior leaders who for some reason or other may be resistant to change. Remember, todays thought leaders can easily become tomorrows established bureaucracy ( Are senior leaders confident enough to leave themselves open to evaluation from all others in Vodafone? Status deference has many negatives including ( Higher status individuals tend to dominate the session and reduce the participation of others, People allow higher status individuals to do all the idea generation People place higher value on ideas produced by higher status individuals and People have a greater tendency to allow higher status individuals to get away with bad ideas. Assess at least three risks and three benefits of the ideas identified above There are a number of reasons why creative ideas fail to become innovations. Sometimes it is because the idea, which seems brilliant in concept, is flawed in application. More often, the problem is that organisations invest in creative ideation initiatives (often called innovation initiatives), such as brainstorming events, idea management, ideas campaigns and the like, but fail to invest in implementing the most creative ideas that come from those initiatives. Indeed, they have probably experienced this typical scenario: Vodafone invests in generating ideas via brainstorming events that involve a lot of highly paid managers and researchers. A number of promising creative ideas are generated. Sometimes business plans are developed. Sometimes prototypes are built, sometimes not, but, at some point between the identification of a promising idea and beginning to implement that idea, the idea is killed ( There are many reasons why creative ideas are killed however al most all of them have to do with risk. Implementing a new idea is perceived as risky and people in the Vodafone do not wish to undertake that risk. So, the idea is killed. Needless-to-say, investing in a creative idea generation initiative in order to generate creative ideas they will never implement is an expensive method of accomplishing absolutely nothing ( Unwillingness to implement creative ideas is not only a weakness with companies, individuals have the same problem. Imagine a young person applying for a job with Levi Strauss Co and having the idea to write her CV on a pair of Levis jeans and sending it to her perspective employer. Such a creative approach to applying for a job would almost certainly stand out and grab the attention of the hiring person. It could very well result in an interview particularly if the Vodafone values creativity as Levi Strauss does. Or it could result in the CV imprinted jeans being promptly rubbished as ridiculous. In my experi ence, most people who had such a creative idea would be unwilling to risk carrying it out ( Such a waste of creative time, energy and money does no one any good and makes the world a more boring place than it could be. The Idea Before Vodafone implement their idea, they need to describe it in detail. Separately, they should describe what makes the idea special, that is: what is the unique selling point (USP)? Once Vodafone have done this, ask their self how they might push the USP even further in order to make their idea even more special. Benefits and Risks The next step is to do a simple risk versus benefits analysis. That may sound complex, but might simply be a matter of drawing up a table with a column labelled benefits and one called risks. Then simply lists the benefits and risks in their appropriate columns. If the risks are greater than the benefits, they need to rethink their idea and focus on greater benefits ( Describe at least two appropriate change models to support the implementation of the creative and innovative ideas identified above in the organization Integrated Innovation Process Management Vodafone as an innovative organization, however, should not have a single innovation process cycle in operation. Rather it should have many of them! Large cycles are suitable for enterprise-wide innovation. Meanwhile, business units can run somewhat smaller innovation process cycles in order to manage their own ideas (although it should be noted, collaborative groups need not be limited to employees of that business unit). Teams, departments and any other group can also run their own innovation process cycles ( However, these innovation process cycles should not be in isolation. Rather they should inspire and feed other cycles elsewhere in the organisation. For instance, the implementation of a new product idea should inspire innovation cycles in the marketing, sales and customer service divisions as well as at the enterprise level ( Managers should watch their colleagues innovation process cycles and ruthlessly copy ideas as inspirations for their own cycles. Task 2: Influencing change Identified and describe the characteristics of the main groups of stakeholders. Produce a rationale to persuade stakeholders of the benefits of a creative and innovative idea Thomas Edison had all the characteristics of a risk taker innovator. He was a divergent thinker, making observations about the natural world. He was not afraid of failure. The lessons learned in one of his failures led to success in another project. In addition to the light bulb, his 1,093 patents included familiar ones such as the microphone batteries (The Creativity Handbook, 1994). Creative leadership must facilitate positive relationships in organizations to produce profitable growth through innovation. They now know that creativity is not a personality trait that is available for geniuses. Everyone has unique knowledge and experiences that can be tapped, given the proper environment. This environment must be freed flowing and non-judging to take people through the mental block they learned in early childhood. These blocks are associated with the risk of being wrong ( The motivation for innovating comes largely from the joy of doing something that has never been done before. It is like going on an expedition and risking everything to be the first person to climb a mountain or sail around the world. It taps the same drive that exists within a composer or an artist who wishes to create something forever. Create a plan to communicate a creative and innovative management idea to the stakeholders identified above, persuade them of its benefits for the organization, and generate stakeholder feedback. Open Innovation or expanding the pool of brains thinking about their business problems outside of Vodafone is a concept that has gained significant and recent traction. The concept is very sound ( Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as the firms look to advance their technology. The boundaries between a firm and its environment have become more permeable; innovations can easily transfer inward and outward. The central idea behind open innovation is that in a world of widely distributed knowledge, companies cannot afford to rely entirely on their own research, but should instead buy or license processes or inventions (e.g. patents) from other companies. In addition, internal inventions not being used in a firms business should be taken outside the company (e.g., through licensing, joint ventures, spin-offs) It used to be th at innovation was something that happened deep in the bowels of corporate RD departments. Secretive folks lurked there and lived by the code of NIH or Not Invented Here. A motto that held that if RD didnt think of it, then it didnt exist or wouldnt work or should be ignored. Except a funny thing happenedthe ideas started drying up. Game changing ideas became few and far between. More of the same survived and less of the unexpected was developed. Then one day, some very smart innovation management consultants showed these organizations that there is no such thing as an all or nothing approach to innovation. Open innovation is but one branch of a well-rounded and comprehensive innovation management program. And for open innovation to truly work, they need to have their internal house in order first as it relates to idea and innovation management. Vodafone must have a solid and well managed internal innovation capability before seeking ideas from the outside world (https://blog.thin That means: Having a strong executive sponsor engaged in the innovation strategy of the organization Having a proven set of processes, tools, techniques and training for moving ideas into prototypes and, eventually, products Having enough resources (human, financial, time, space and capability) to adequately support the idea and innovation management system Vodafone are putting into place Treating innovation and idea management, not as some singular event, but as a true business discipline and strategy for growth Developing a list of problems and/or opportunities that the organization wants to invest money and effort into finding solutions Developing a strategy for seeking ideas from inside and outside of the organization Developing a clear and communicated set of selection and filtering criteria for idea submission and consideration to ensure the idea pool is manageable Determining the utilization of the closed innovation system for the res earch, development, prototyping, portfolio management and launch planning that Vodafone dont want their competitors finding out about Developing a workable system for protecting the intellectual property rights of all parties in the process Show how you would use feedback from stakeholders to identify key goals and priorities for the innovation. Focusing on Customers Executives acknowledged that business has had to learn these lessons many times, and the need to create a culture where innovation can thrive is not new. A big part of the leaders role is to distract the organization away from itself and its own inner workings and dynamics, and shift the focus to customers, creating the openings where innovative ideas become possible ( Allow enough time The rapid pace of business tends to create an overload of initiatives and a rush to complete projects as quickly as possible, and creates a significant barrier to sustainable progress. Business moves too fast; you need tenacity to innovate One approach recommended is for leaders to lengthen the time for goal achievement, and encourage staff to spend the necessary time thinking deeply about a problem, gathering data, and moving forward in a thoughtful way ( People tend to give up when they cant get results quickly. You need to give longer goals, give people time, and ask them to do it slowly and thoughtfully. Generating good ideas is not always the issue: prioritization and resourcing of a few key initiatives is often more important in making significant progress. Task 3: Over coming barriers Identify at least four possible barriers to the implementation of change in an organization De-bunking the Myths of Innovation The executive panel saw little merit in much of the conventional wisdom about innovation, and de-bunked the myths for Vodafone India: The new product myth There is a strong tendency to focus on product innovations, however executives generally see this type of innovation as highly visible, but not necessarily critical to business success (Levitt, et. al. 2005). The breakthrough idea myth While creating the environment where Vodafone staff will speak and tell them their ideas received considerable emphasis, the idea itself is rarely sufficient. Canada was noted as the home of many good ideas that have not had enough sustained effort, persistence and resources to achieve results (Soto, Hernando de, 2000). The creative chaos myth Many business processes support innovation better when they are consistent and measurable. With a consistent and known process, ideas for change can be implemented in a way that employees can understand and execute successfully. The new process can then be integrated into routine and evaluated (Collins, Jim, 2001). Without a consistent baseline to build on, its difficult to see if a new idea would work, and just as difficult to implement successfully. The creative individual myth The power of creative individuals with insight is rarely enough to move the organization, regardless of the level of seniority. High-potential young managers cannot sally forth as ambassadors for a new order and meet with success. The whole organization needs to be mobilized, through accountability at all levels ( Plan a strategy to overcome these identified barriers. Most approaches to strategic planning put an emphasis in answering the question What should the organization do? The answer to this question is very important for Vodafone. However it does not ensure that the organization is enabled to create value and to make the right strategic decisions. Strategy execution and monitoring of success have been identified as characteristic problem areas in organizational practice (Avila, et. al., 1995). Putting the proposals into practice, the Vodafone can address a more comprehensive set of issues related to fundament, execution and funding (Deloitte, 2005): Fundament. Why should the organization choose this way? What are the underlying assumptions, the tradeoffs, and the risks? How should the organization respond if one of these assumptions turns out to be flawed or changes? Execution. How does the organization do it? What are steps for implementation? Who is accountable for this process? How does the organization keep track of execution and success? Commitment. How can the organization achieve commitment among the management team and all employees? How can the organization inform employees? Funding. What will the outcome of the strategic planning cost in total? How will the organization fund the planning results? What is the expected return and will it meet the internal hurdle rates for return? Taking into account the broad perspective for strategic planning and considering execution, monitoring and funding issues, the organization and its managers can gain a clear view of where they are going and why. They will also know how to monitor the progress and can assess the payoff. Monitoring of both market data and operational data against planning assumptions as well as sustaining organizational flexibility represents another field of strategic planning improvements ( Due to consideration of capital allocation and funding issues it is also clear, which other critical corporate processes wi ll be influenced from the strategic planning outcome. Summarizing and bundling this outcome in so called strategic campaigns or strategic initiatives helps the organization to focus and improves intra-organizational communication (Dye et. al., 2007). Explain how the strategy plan will help overcome resistance. Hitchhiking creates ideas that combine the best ideas of everyone on the team. It can also help during implementation if all members see a piece of their idea in the final solution ( Creating an environment that is tolerant of mistakes is difficult. It must be made clear that mistakes are acceptable if they are based on solid thinking, enhance learning of what will not work, and are caught early before damage is severe. There must be support for the people who were on the team of the project that failed. The Kirton Adapter: Innovator (KAI) inventory measures preferred styles for problem- solving. The adaptor prefers to be creative within the present system. The innovator wants to create new definitions of the problem and new systems. Thus, both types are creative, but their styles are different. Adapters include bank managers, accountants, production managers, and programmers. Innovators include persons in marketing, finance, and fashion buyers ( Create a PowerPoint presentation to communicate the strategy plan to at least five groups of stakeholders See attached PowerPoint File.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Feminism And The Second Wave Feminist Movement - 1473 Words

Intersectionality underscores that it is impossible to consider gender in isolation from other forms of difference. Critically discuss the significance of this, including its implications for feminism. Refer to at least 3 readings in the unit read from weeks 1-6. Intersectionality provides a key structure for analysing oppression and privilege in our modern and diverse society. Views of intersectionality have changed rapidly throughout the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Many aspects of the third wave feminist movement are underpinned by notions of intersectionality, though its success of application may be varied. This marks a shift from the homogenous view of femininity and womanhood held by many, particularly white and middle†¦show more content†¦The intersection of race and gender has provoked a lot discussion, especially in the latter part of the twentieth century. The nature of feminism in the era made it difficult for women of colour to find a fitting place to benefit from the social advances being made for women. Disability oppression is an example of the way other forms of oppression interact with gender and both reflect and stand separate from gender oppression. As made clear in these examples, modern feminism must le arn to embrace intersectional ideas to combat issues on all axes of oppression, because there are many things which intersect and play off of gender, and these cannot be isolated to a single dichotomy of oppressed and privileged. Certain brands of feminism place gender as the key axis of oppression on which women are oppressed. This was a contributing factor in the united sisterhood and womanhood of the second wave, an ideal which led to the marginalisation and erasure of many women’s experience such as women of colour, women with disabilities, women of lower socioeconomic class and standing, and so on. When second wave feminists do embrace an intersectional view, they tend to employ an additive measure of intersectionality rather than a multiplicative view, which is detrimental and erasive because it often causes oppressions to be ranked in a hierarchy of perceived importance, and from a feminist point of view it is gender

A Comparison of Creation Myths from Genesis and Greece Free Essays

The words myths and legends tend to be used interchangeably, but usually myths have a religious purpose whereas legends are the stories of heroes. Creation myths   have commonalities, because they are all seeking to explain the same things. It is part of human nature to wonder about the unknown and to seek answers. We will write a custom essay sample on A Comparison of Creation Myths from Genesis and Greece or any similar topic only for you Order Now At the foundation of almost every culture is a story that explains how the earth, its creatures and its people came to be. These myths may be dismissed by some modern thinkers, yet continue to have huge influence as a frame of reference. In the case of Judaism and Greek mythology both emerge from the Eastern Mediterranean region, so although there are lots of differences, these are people not so far removed from each other geographically and there would have been some trading links at least and so it is likely that each group would have had some knowledge of the stories of the other. Myths are stories created by a group of people in order to explain some of the great questions in life such as ‘Where did man come from and from where did he gain knowledge?’ They originate in oral tradition as people discussed such matters and it would have been many generations before they were committed to script in some form. This goes some way to explain why there may on occasions be slightly different versions extant, as in Genesis 1 and 2 where there are two version of the creation. They are both included because at the time when the canon of Jewish scripture was finally fixed in the early years of the Christian era, beginning in about 90 C.E.[1] both stories had been in circulation for so many years and both were felt to contain something of value. Although myths may have internal chronology i.e. this happened first and then that, but there is no link with modern times. The book of Genesis differs on this point from the general rule in that after the story of the first family, Adam Eve and their sons,   in Genesis 4 and 5 there is a list of the generations between Adam and Noah, considered by the Jews to be an historical figure and after the story of Noah, in chapter 9 there are further lists , partly to explain the origins of the various nations of the earth , and in part to provide a link to the story of Abram ( later Abraham), considered to be the founder of the Jewish race. So the stories in Genesis are more particular than the generalised creation myths of the Greeks, which do not mention the founding of the Greek race. There is no such definitive collection of Greek myths, probably because the ancient Greek religion totally disappeared early in the first millennium C.E. [1] What are the Deuterocanonical book s of the Bible? Available from accessed 1st December 2008 How to cite A Comparison of Creation Myths from Genesis and Greece, Papers

Hairspray Essay free essay sample

By combining comedy with the hardships of racism and bigotry, happening in the 1960s to the Hairspray musical it makes for a fun and informative performance to watch. Racism is hard to speak about in the 21 century without feeling hurt, embarrassed, or even scared. A. The history will never be forgotten if we remember it and talk about it. B. The content of a person’s character should define them and never their race. C. The character Seaweed in Hairspray never let racism steer him away from his happiness of dancing. The laughter from comedy can bring light to any pains or sorrow we may feel. A. When Bill Cosby did a comedy standup show on how he spanked his kids to keep them obedient. We didn’t cry we laughed, because of how he introduced it. B. Introduction of a subject is everything when it comes to speaking on something painful and sad. We will write a custom essay sample on Hairspray Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page C. Tracy laughed at Amber when she made comments about her weight. III. Bigotry is prejudice and intolerance towards others that are different from oneself, such as those of different ethnicities. Bigotry was happening then in the 1960s and hasn’t stopped now in the 21st century. B. Amber and Velma Von Tussle had no reason to dislike Tracy but did so because of her size and nothing more. Conclusion: Hairspray really proves that happiness can come even when we are hurting or mad about something else. The pain of racism and bigotry existed in the 1960s as well as now in the 21st century and learning to over look the ignorance of it all will keep lives happy.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Push Pull System for Goods and Services-

Question: Discuss about thePush Pull System for Goods and Services. Answer: Advantages and disadvantages of push system One of the major advantages of the push system is its ability to produce sufficient amounts of products on hands, for fulfilling the orders and demands of customers. The examples of push system include Materials Requirements planning, which combines the financial operations and logistics planning. It is an effective computer based information system, which is used for ordering and scheduling of costs too (Deros). Another advantage of MRP push system is that it can ensure good quality raw materials and resources for the production process and manage it in stock so that it is available whenever needed. Disadvantages include inappropriate forecasts due to unpredicted sales. The cost of storing the goods and services produced also become higher. There is need to maintaining large databases which often cerate complexities. In order to manage flow of products, high diligence is needed, which is a daunting task (Thorsell and Andersson). Advantages and disadvantages of pull system The pull system product can be Kanban, which is utilised for controlling the materials flow and develop good connection with external suppliers for supporting and optimization of processes with ease. The inventory is limited and most of the products are sold to customers with no leftovers. It is customer centric and improves the flow of cash. The cost of keeping the products in stock also decreases and reduces the inventory level too (Deros). The disadvantages include complexities with orders placed, and suppliers might be unable to get shipment on time. There is need of balanced systems and those must be placed properly, which is a major drawback. The times for setting up can create negative impact on the throughput and in turn create dissatisfaction among clients too (Thorsell and Andersson). References Deros, Mark A. "Mount adapter device utilizing a push system." U.S. Patent No. 8,276,307. 2 Oct. 2012. Thorsell, Mattias, and Kristoffer Andersson. "Fast multiharmonic active loadpull system with waveform measurement capabilities." IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 60.1 (2012): 149-157.

Friday, April 10, 2020

How to Write a Reddit Nursing Essay Sample

How to Write a Reddit Nursing Essay SampleIs a Reddit nursing essay sample what you are looking for? Well, you have come to the right place because here I will be giving you some great tips and tricks in order to help you understand the essay and also make sure that you are writing your own. There are many free samples and guides on the Internet but with all of them, the trick is to find one that suits your own needs and makes sense.When you are writing an essay, it is always good to make sure that you are consistent in your approach, and if there is any true determination in you to write something new, then you can keep on going and writing. If you want to get on that great scholar track, then I recommend that you keep on writing as much as you can and put your best foot forward. You have to make sure that you start out with the basics when you are going to write the Reddit nursing essay sample.Start off by getting a binder and some sort of folder to put everything in. This way, you do not have to worry about moving around the papers and you do not have to worry about the binding. You can simply store everything in the same place.Make sure that you keep some practice test questions handy, and also a writing pad or paper to take care of any problems that you may have. Remember that when you write an essay, you must realize that when you go back and look at it, all of your writing is copied and pasted from your practice test questions, so if you notice a typo, or a sentence that does not flow as you would like, you must make sure that you do not just delete it and let it stand.When you are writing the essay, you must make sure that you keep a perspective of the overall theme of the essay and you must keep in mind that you are doing a test essay. Writing an essay is never easy but if you are really determined, you can make it look easy.It is very important that you think of how you would like to sum up your story and this is not a series of sentences. As you go t hrough your assignment, remember that you are doing a test and you have to review everything because you cannot afford to forget something.Remember that your objective is to submit your essay and you must make sure that it is as clean and easy to read as possible. Having said all of that, once you have written your essay, all you have to do is do a little editing. And that is really all there is to it.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Love And Marriage In 18th Century Essays - Philosophy Of Love

Love And Marriage In 18th Century Our aim in this paper will be to analyze and discuss the different ways in which love and marriage were dealt with during the eighteenth century and to what extent these two terms were linked together or considered as opposite. To accomplish this matter we are going to focus our attention on several works that are representative from this period and that reflect in an accurate way the social mores and more specifically, marriage conventions and romantic love. Throughout this discussion we will be emphasizing the idea that marriage is represented in these works as an institution completely detached from love and that it pursues more than anything else economic purposes and an rising in the social hierarchy. First of all we should account for the situation of English women during the eighteenth century, that despite several social improvements, continued having less rights or freedom than men within the family and marriage as an institution. Patriarchal forms were still a deep-rooted custom that ruled society, which was male-centered. Marriage was often forced on women as their only way of having a recognized position in society, but at the same time led them to slavery. Women's property could be spent to the discretion of the husband as she was considered, together with all that she owned, a possession of the husband. Significantly relevant is the fact that the convention of marriages arranged by parents was still widely accepted. Evidences of this aspect can be found in Goldsmith's work She Stoops to Conquer. At the very beginning of the play Mr.Hardcastle expresses that he has already chosen a husband for his young daughter: "Then to be plain with you, Kate, I expect the young gentleman I have chosen to be your husband from town this very day. I have his father's letter, in which he informs me his son is set out, and that he intends to follow himself shortly after." (p. 3) Mr. Hardcastle later explains that he would never control her daughter's choice, but in fact claims that Marlow "(he)'s a man of excellent understanding" (p.4), this meaning that the young gentleman should be the right option for her. Despite her initial disagreement with the idea of this established encounter with the young boy, she finally accepts the meeting after her father's exaltation of the young man's virtues. She then joyfully declares: "My dear papa, say no more (kissing his hand), he's mine, I'll have him!" (p.4). Later on in the play, Tony's false directions lead Marlow and Hastings to the Hardcastle residence, where they believe they can lodge for a decent rate before continuing on to meet Mr. Hardcastle and his beautiful daughter at his estate. This "inn" is actually Mr. Hardcastle mansion, but the travelers do not realize this since the mansion remarkably resembles an inn. Hastings is soon informed of his mistake when he meets Miss Neville, but the couple decides to leave Marlow in ignorance for the time being so that their plans for marriage will not be frustrated by his outrage and embarrassment. In a similar way, in the novel Mary the Wrongs of Woman, Mary Wollstonecraft exposes this same tendency of arranged marriages, where love is forgotten and only the possible benefits that both parts can obtain from the union are taken into account. Hence, the way in which Darnford asserts "my father and mother were people of fashion; married by their parents" (p.94) should not be taken as a striking statement for this matter was considered in the eighteenth century the usual procedure to follow . It is also important to remark that Mary loses her case because the judge considers that "it was her duty to love and obey the man chosen by her parents and relations, who were qualified by their experience to judge better for her, than she could for herself " (p.199). Therefore it is not stunning that the idea of marriage is often understood as a social custom generally detached from love. This detachment not only concerns marriage directed by someone superior but also the economical benefits taken out of it. We can set an example in Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews, and more precisely in the chapters referring to the story of the young lovers Leonora and Horatio. With the appearance of Bellarmine, a fine"gentleman who owned a Coach and Six" (p.135), breaking into Leonora's life, she reconsiders her engagement with Horatio, who had "not even a Pair" (p.138). Being a young and inexperienced girl, Leonora asks her aunt for

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Write a College Classification Essay 3 Steps to a Masterpiece

How to Write a College Classification Essay 3 Steps to a Masterpiece How to Write a College Classification Essay: 3 Steps to a Masterpiece Amongst a great variety of college papers, classification essay is probably one of the easiest. It’s pretty brief and doesn’t require an in-depth and too lasting research. Nonetheless, you should never think that you will write as if it’s a simple stroll in the local park. This would be a mistake. A classification essay is a responsible piece of writing. This paper type is related to the organization of certain things, facts, terms, etc. into definite and logical categories. This piece of writing is needed for the convenience while arranging information. Such essay simplifies complex terms and makes them easier to comprehend. You won’t mess up things if you see that they are divided into groups with similar roots. In order to cope with this paper, you should remember three crucial steps. These are: Dividing things into logical categories. Classifying categories with one principle. Supporting every category using examples. Prior to reviewing those three essential guidelines, it’s necessary to highlight one crucial point. A classification essay can be successfully completed if finding categories correctly. Your task is to sort out, classify, and bind the things together in a reasonable way. This can be achieved if knowing how to relate topics to one another. For instance, your task is to classify sporting events. There may be two large groups like summer and winter sports. You can delve deeper and sort out separate competitions that can take place outdoors and indoors etc. Therefore, you should find and stick to a certain defining principle to divide all variables. 1. Determine the Category Once you pick up a topic, you should make a proper research on all possible things that might be associated with it. This information will help you understand what category you are to classify. That is why the compiling of all facts is so significant. Be thorough! Use critical thinking and analyze all details. Of course, you ought to verify the data you are going to implement into your text. You should know the peculiarities. 2. Use a Single Classification Principle Every classification essay writer would confirm the golden rule for this essay type – use a single principle to classify your topic. It would make no sense in using different principles for one category. Under such a condition, you would simply mess the things up. However, the main objective of this essay type is to simplify and clarify your research. Therefore, you should learn all possible principles. Your next move is to choose the most suitable one. The perfect combination would be the principle, which fits in the content and your personal writing style. 3. Provide Equal Examples After you select the single principle and determine your category, support the studied research. Regardless of how many categories you are classifying in your essay, find equal examples for each. The number of examples should be the same. It would be wrong to support a certain category with too many. Their essence should be even as well. Probably, you will devote more energy to the main category. Accordingly, it might take more time. Nonetheless, you ought to follow status quo. Some Additional Points It is worth mentioning the typical transitions. These are either kind, or type, or group. Thus, choosing a group, there should go the first – second – third group, etc. Do not add kind or type. This would be a mistake, and you will lose a lot of grades. You should keep clarity in your research. Undoubtedly, a lot depends on the topic of your essay. If you are given the prerogative to choose on your own, you will reap great rewards. You will have a chance to choose the one that is interesting to you. Thus, the process of classification would run smoothly. As a topic, you may choose: Major events in the American history. Countries classification (population, territory, etc.). Classification of psychological diseases. Sporting events. Popular books, movies or TV shows, etc. It’s up to you what to choose. Of course, you should make sure that the classified topic will be interesting, helpful, and relevant to your audience as well. Thus, you will earn more grades to sustain your academic progress.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

ICI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ICI - Essay Example This approach was considered a leader in IT delivery projects. They were broken down into different components and distributed to onsite, near shore and offshore sites, to deliver them at maximum value and the most cost efficient way. This cut their costs by 30%, because their time to market using the world wide teams made working 24 hours a day a reality. Infosys had a different approach to implementing their technology. Instead of analyzing the firm’s processes and redesigning them, ICI looked at the process requirements, not the functional requirements. They found that inefficiencies could be found better through horizontal processes rather than vertical functions, like sales and marketing. They also looked at process metrics. The idea was that everything ICI did needed to impact their client’s performance and thus increase shareholder values. ICI used the GDM to employ an onsite team that worked with the client to see how the company operated and was organized. Most companies had five to ten level processes used to develop a product from an idea into a reality. ICI was able to identify these, and organized their team accordingly. The onsite team used process experts and SAP experts. At night, the offshore teams turned the templates into a configuration. Then, the next day, the onsite team would test the configuration with the client and create a second iteration. That night, the offshore team would develop it. Typically there were four or five iterations for each process object. Under typical circumstances, each one would take a week. In the case of 200 process objects, the configuration for all of them would take approximately six months using ICI’s methods, whereas traditional methods could take up to a year. This also resulted in higher client satisfaction, because it could be tested during the design and config uration processes. ICI also created a 1-1-3 model for cost reduction. What this does is allows business consulting resources at the market rate, an onsite IT implementation resource at a lower than average rate, and three offshore developers at lower than market rates. What this did was allowed ICI to conduct major engagements for about $100 per hour, versus market rates having an average combined rate of $300 to $400. ICI followed Infosys in its philosophy of measure everything. InfoSys created a high awareness of quality of work using its Capability Maturity Model (CMM). This model judged the maturity of software processes currently in use and identified what was required to increase the maturity of them. ICI’s ideas from a broad service stance were assisting clients in dealing with their technology related issues in customer, product and corporate operations. ICI found that the best way to deliver value was to make marked improvements in the process metrics in the clients operation through its engagement with ICI. So, every transformation and consulting engagement resulted in a concerted effort on the part of ICI to deliver as much improvement in process metrics in the hope of creating a positive shareholder value. ICI would analyze their current operations, assess process metrics of each process and design changes in the structure that enabled the technology to deliver marked improvement in the process metrics. In the quote-to-cash process, they measured the time between the quote submission and time of payment. Their capacity fro processing those orders in a certain timeframe. What percentage of orders had zero